One reason I wrote this app is that people are misspelling the date format and the words for the amount. Also, I don't like how some apps have ads to do simple stuff. This app will:
*convert numeric value into words.
*Show you today's date (Month day, year format)
I believe the best format for a date is spell out the month and then write the numeric day and year. Also, it will write the current date, so you don't create a stale or postdated check. Have you erroneously wrote a check that had a previous year (such as 2016)?
The "Legal Line" is below the payee, which will translate numeric value into words. So if you type 17, the app will translate it to "Seventeen" or 17000 to "Seventeen Thousand".
Well it's a simple app, I recommend this to people who have hard time writing numbers into words or people that don't have English as their first language.